Aphroditi Zoulfoukaridis

Manager LeidenGlobal, partner of Voice4Thought
From The Netherlands & Greece

Academic / Professional background

As Arts & Architecture Historian (MA) I studied in The Netherlands (RU Groningen), Italy (Perugia & Rome) and Greece (Thessaloniki). My focus has always been on international organisations, but also on Arts Policy management & marketing (BA, RU Groningen). I have worked as a Project Manager and Event Manager for several organisations, including an international NGO where I gained extensive knowledge on international policies, helping to pursue Childrens’ and Womens’ Rights in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

What does Voice4Thought mean to you?

I am a strong believer in freedom–that is freedom of opinion, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, to name a few. Unfortunately not everyone has these freedoms. Voice4Thought helps to bring these unheard voices and stories to the surface. It also helps to bring these people together in order to discuss, share knowledge, and offer support to each other. And I am proud to be a part of the project.

Contact: info@leidenglobal.nl; www.leidenglobal.org

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