Loes Oudenhuijsen

From Netherlands

Academic/professional background

I hold a bachelor’s degree in International Development Studies from Wageningen University, and I am currently enrolled in the Research Master African Studies at Leiden University, for which I will conduct fieldwork in Senegal on women’s same-sex sexuality. In addition to being the Event Coordinator at Voice4Thought, I am currently involved in a debate project at the International Debate Education Association (IDEA NL) which aims to train youth to develop and voice their opinions through debates and discussions.

What does Voice4Thought mean to you?

For me, Voice4Thought is essentially an alternative to mainstream academic knowledge production. It employs unusual information outlets such as blogs, song lyrics and paintings to bring across valuable insights. It also provides an alternative way of constructing knowledge that focuses on co-creation between people from all walks of life, who together try to make sense of our world. Lastly, Voice4Thought invites critical reflection on mainstream thinking and the status quo, making it an alternative to our usual sources of information and news. Voice4Thought triggers us to rethink the world!

Contact: loes@voice4thought.org

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