The invention of forms of representation in the age of globalisation
Call for participation
In order to stimulate this new space of dialogue, a call for participation is now open for a three months residency on the issue of The invention of forms of representation in the age of globalisation. The two selected candidates, one engaged in artistic and one in academic research, will take part to the activities of the EHESS, Paris. No discipline will be privileged in the selection process. The organizers encourage submissions from the peripheral zones of globalisation.
“This programme aims to create an interdisciplinary and intergenerational exchange between research and art practices around questions concerning the invention of forms of representation in the age of globalisation. The primary goal of this programme is to interrogate conventional modes of knowledge production that, by and large, marginalise the arts and their heuristic properties, in social science and humanities. Our intention is to stimulate a debate addressing all aspects of collaboration between artists and the academic world.
With this call we look for an artist and an academic to take part of a three months residency in Paris challenging traditional methods and academic discourses around the following themes: identity, collective entity, the individual, mobility, the social role of money and notions of beauty. We are particularly interested in topics that have emerged in response to the fractures created by the expansion of the western world, and specifically in forms of resistance to mainstream manifestations of the current globalised world.”
Fore more info, please refer to the call for participation page
Deadline for submissions: 16 February 2017
Proposals may be submitted to Giulia Battaglia,