Voice4Thought team

Voice4Thought is run on a daily basis by a team based in the Netherlands and West – Central Africa. The list of supervisory board and advisory board members can be found here.


Vera Bakker – Photographer & (Visual) Editor
Mirjam de Bruijn – Director
Maartje van den Eijnden – Operational Manager
Deuhb Eladjé Emmanuel (Zyzou) – Author & Blog Coordinator Chad
Thomas Gesthuizen – Webmaster & Coordinator V4T Archive
Didier Lalaye (Croquemort) – Coordinator Slam
Moltong Lagardy (Stanley) – Translator
Laurens Nijzink – Coordinator Bridging Humanities & Coordinator Bon Buzz
Jasmijn Peeters – Coordinator Voz’PaColombia
Sjoerd Sijsma – Audio Visual Coordinator
Catherina Wilson – Researcher & Writer
Pelle Yntema – Research Coordinator


The team list of the V4TA team in Mali can be found on the V4TAcademie.org website.

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