Born January 1984 in Pala-hospital. Pala is the main city in the area considered ‘his roots’ by Didier. He is Moundang from Pala, from his mother’s village Torrock and his father’s village Goin, situated in the Mayo Kebbi; The 4th child of nine.
First years of his school career were in Pala. Didier’s years at primary school were years of football, music, and being the best pupil of the class without need to do a lot. A little more discipline would be brought to him at the Lycee: His father sent him to a boarding school followed by two years seminarie (Catholic school). ‘I would never become a priest, I did already not believe in God’.
For the last few years of the Lycee he went to a private school in N’djaména. His father worked in Pala as an inspector of schools, which brought him later to other parts of Chad, but mainly in N’djaména. In N’djaména they lived in the quarter Chagoua.
When he obtained his BAC and was ready to enter university, it was not easy to make a choice. His primary choice would probably have been literature, but this was not the expectation. He ended up in the first year of medicine at Ndjamena University. Many doubts crossed his path, even to the extent that he headed for a position in an oil company. But the clever recruiter made him change his mind and Didier continued his studies to become a medical doctor. He finally graduated with ‘ felicitations du jury’ in January 2015.
This youth itinerary ‘awarded’ Didier with two places of belonging: Pala and Torrock/Goin in the Mayo Kebbi; and N’djaména, the quarter Chagoua. He speaks Moundang; though a ‘town’ version; and Tchadien Arabic, but especially French.